EducNation’s Achievements Timeline


In January 2016, the foundation launched its first project called

BACK TO SCHOOL 1000. 18 students at Institution Mixte La Samarie in Port-au-Prince received school supplies.


Following Hurricane Matthew, on October 4, 2016, 142 students at Ecole Mixte Jean XXIII in les Cayes received each 1 backpack, pens, pencils, notebooks, and shoes.


60% of the board founders of Education Foundation attended Petit Seminar College Saint Martial. A fundraising initiative was launched to help the school rebuild in the aftermath of the January 12, 2010 earthquake.


In January 2017, 106 students at Ecole Le Bon Samaritain received 1 backpack, notebooks, pens, and pencils. With the collaboration of FOOD 4 UR SOLE, another non-for-profit organization based in New York, we provided also a hot meat to the recipients of our donations.


In 2018, INSTITUTION MIXTE L'EXCELLENCE in Canaan 5 received school supplies for its students. We left the place with a heavy heart when we saw the challenges faced by that school and we were limited with financial means.


In 2018, Ecole Mixte Jean Bonte in Bizoton, Carrefour received school supplies for its students. The main project is to build a library for the students. Many field trips have been made in Haiti and a gala was held on April 6th 2019 in New York to raised funds toward that library project.


In 2019, EDUCNATION staff went to Jacmel and donated school supplies to 80 students at Ecole Les soeurs de Saint Jean, in Lafond. A school in much need of books to help the students learn.


30 kids from FC Sarthe received school supplies in October 2020.


On October 2020, EducNation Foundation launched its new program called Books to School to provide academic training materials to community schools. Ecole Mixte Jean Bonte was the first beneficiary.


96 students at Ecole Mixte Union du Peuple in Delatte, 7th communal section of Petit-Goave received each one backpack, notebooks, pens, and pencils to start the academic year of 2020-2021.